Friday, October 18, 2019

Criminal Minds Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Criminal Minds - Research Paper Example There is no surety for a person being a non offender. As humans are circled around their emotions anyone can become an offender. It is said that it is the circumstances that make a person commit crimes. There is an offender in each and every one but the true sense of a person keeps away from crime and related incidents. A crime can be defined as â€Å"Crime is the violation of societal rules of behaviour as interpreted by and expressed by a criminal legal code created by people holding social and political power. Individuals who violate these rules are subject to sanctions by state authority, social stigma, and loss of status† (Siegel, 2008, p.18). The crimes are against social, political and economic behaviour of human beings. If a person does a crime he gets separated from these three agencies. Along with the physical setbacks as mentioned above, a major conflict comes in the mind of the criminal whether the thing that he or she did was right or wrong in accordance with his or her conscience. Now days the level of conscience is deteriorating and so the rate of crimes are increasing to an intimidating level. Samples of famous crimes: In analysing the history of crimes a person can see great number of them. In reading the life of Donald â€Å"Pee wee† Gaskins, the most prolific serial killer in South Carolina, it takes a person to embarrassment that the background of a person has much to do in shaping his or her life. Gaskins’ childhood was troublesome and was often neglected by all his surroundings including mother. He felt himself as abandoned by all and this changed his mind to stubborn and cruel. Later in his life he has passed through all sorts of crime and to the surprise was not at all guilty for it. He considered himself equal to God in taking others life (Montaldo, 2011). The temperament of the people is changing day by day. No one is ready to make any adjustment. The availability of the deadly weapons and curving for money make people do any sort of crime. The mass killing at Virginia Polytechnic institute and State University by Seung-Hui Cho, a senior English major at the institution, cau sed the death of 32 people and then including him on April 16 2007. In analysing the reason for the incident it was made clear that the student was having anxiety disorder. â€Å"The day after massacre, thousands attended a tearful assembly in the university’s coliseum, where U.S. President George W. Bush acknowledged the nation’s sorrow and grief† (Flemming, 2008, p.288). The destruction of World Trade Centre is the epitome of political crime. It happened on 11th September 2001, nearly killing 3000 people and 19 hijackers. In consulting these attacks a question can be raised, â€Å"Why is Osama bin Laden (widely regarded as the brains behind the atrocities of 11 September 2001, the destruction of the World Trade Centre in New York) targeted as a ‘terrorist’ and not as a ‘criminal’?† (Soothill , Peelo &Taylor, 2002. p.143). If any political cause is involved with the crime it can be termed as terrorist acts and in other cases cri minal activities. But all things are in one way or other are harmful to the life of the innocent people. Whatever be the cause, it is not at all right to take the lives of other people. The religious notion of ‘preserving life’ has to be upheld for the common goodness of the people. What causes a criminal mind? Many reasons are there before each and every crime. Some may be personal and others may be political

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